We Can Remember Our Past Lives In Dreams

Dreams usually associate with happiness, success, or an impossible journey. At other times dreams represent a different reality, with desires that we would like to see fulfilled. What nobody can deny is that dreams are an integral part of human experience, and studies have shown that all beings, including animals, dream. But what are dreams? Why do we have? And most mysterious of all, what do they mean?
Podemos recordar nuestras vidas pasadas en los sueñosMost of us can remember at least one dream. Even for those who are lucky enough to get a state of deep sleep enough and they do not usually remember their dreams, sometimes dreams are haunted by making them wake up suddenly. According to science, some research has shown that we dream several times during the night, even if you do not wake up enough to remember them. So where do these dreams?
The simple answer is that they are material manifestations of our subconscious mind. Some experts on the subject say that the subconscious is our untapped potential as human beings, including latent psychic abilities such as telepathy, spiritual knowledge about the universe or forgotten memories (including memories of past lives). This is where we wanted to reach our dreams could hide basic information about our past lives, the key to discover who we are and why we are here.
Have you ever had dreams of past lives?
The dreams of past lives, also known as karmic dreams can give us an indication of who we were in a past life and why certain skills or even the origin of certain unexplained fears of people, places or things. The dreams of past lives can often occur during life and do not change. We can dream of being in another era, dressed in old clothes or even speaking a different language. The sequence of events that take place do not change, and the dream is always the same. And if we are able to decipher it, we can discover the origin of inexplicable fears, beliefs and behaviors.
So how I can know if the dream is related to past lives?
There are several tracks, the most obvious are the details surrounding the dream. If you're dreaming you're in another time riding or driving an old car in a place if identified, possibly you may be experiencing a past life. The same goes for old fashion styles, landscapes, family members who do not recognize in this life, structures or objects that are not current. Other signs to note is that we are not aware of being ourselves or different from ours, you certainly are a hallmark of being dreaming of a possible past life ethnicity sometimes in sleep.
Our dreams past lives
But experts point out that the biggest indicator is the emotions we feel while experiencing sleep. This does not mean that all dreams are not emotional, because certainly are. In our dreams emerge our most hidden in order to call attention to feelings, but the memory of past lives has a very specific emotional quality.

Nuestras vidas pasadas sueñosWhether our dreams contain a memory of past lives or not, the most important thing is to focus on what they mean to us. As I mentioned earlier, they are a direct line to our inner and tend to be related to events or issues that are happening (or are about to occur) in our lives today. Emerge to educate ourselves about a truth that we can not see, it helps us make decisions and solve our issues in a better way. This is exactly the same purpose as to past lives lives that will not serve to delve into our inner minds and discover our true goals in life.
recurring dreams
As discussed above, if you experience repeated dreams, you have to pay attention to every detail. Sometimes these dreams point to karmic situations you might have experienced before. Even, sometimes dreams can give us clues about an event experienced in the past. Experts in the field believe that the most common reasons for karmic dreams is because we still have the burden of past distressing situations. Whether a positive or negative situation, anyone who has experienced this feeling should "collect" all possible information in order to solve future experiences. It is for this reason that we must pay close attention to the symbols, signs, meanings and deeper keys.
past lives in dreams
But it is also important to trust one's intuition, and if this is not possible it would be necessary to seek professional help in order to guide you through these dreams. Our recommendation is to seek help from experts like Elise Defer, who selflessly can help a person to recognize the dreams of his past life and how that can affect today.
So, how can we know the meaning of our dreams?
Usually, dreams end up being chaotic images caused by something that happened before he fell asleep. But the reality is that dreams are literally messages transmitted to people. We encourage each person to write all your dreams as it will help in the ability to remember the dream the next day.

Vidas pasadas en los sueños 
This practice helps establish a powerful intention that dreams help us as we work hard to go through life and face the challenges. And naturally, we will be aware of past lives and how they relate to our present life as well as the ability to tune with our own prophetic powers as we walk through the symbolism of discovering the future. So now, to sleep and to dream, because you never know what you can discover. Are you ready to know your past lives in dreams?