Find An Alien Creature In The Backyard

An alien creature found in the backyard of a house

Eesearchers made a mysterious discovery in the Atacama Desert, Chile. They found a little like an alien being and with many features that scientists could not explain skeleton. This strange skeleton nicknamed "Ata" only average about 15 centimeters long, and while humans have 12 ribs, this being was 10. What led skeptics to suggest that it could perhaps be the remains of a premature birth or ">an aborted fetus, although others said it was evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial beings on our planet.Ata was kept in a private collection until 2009, and in the fall of 2012 the scientists studied through X-rays, CT scans, and genetic sampling. Preliminary genetic results indicated that the skeleton appeared to be of human origin, but 9% of the DNA test did not match the reference human genome. Scientists quickly justified ensuring that these were within expected for contamination and degradation of DNA after spending so much time exposed to the elements parameters results.But this did not prevent many conspiracy theorists will ensure that the scientific community was trying to cover up the truth.

And again the scientific community has been baffled by a new discovery. This time a California man received a baffling creature from an anonymous person who claimed to have found in her backyard in Arizona.The strange creature ArizonaTodd Ray, who holds the Guinness record for the largest collection of monstrous creatures with two heads, said a mysterious man sent the body of an extra creature apparently appeared in the backyard of his home. Ray, who is a record producer and director of American television Venice Beach Freakshow, described the creature as a "strange way" and acknowledged experts in zoology have not yet been able to determine its origin. Even he said he was open to the possibility that you will do a DNA test.Ray told the Huffington Post that a person, who refused to identify themselves or give your personal data, called him some time ago saying he had found a strange creature in his backyard in Arizona and handed it to show it in its award winning collection of monstrous creatures. At first the record producer did not give much importance as it receives such calls daily."I receive many calls from this," Ray told the Huffington Post. "I got a call from a guy in Arizona who said he had found the dead creature in his yard. He was scared and said I could show my show strange phenomena. "

Ray hoped the mystery man to send him photographs, but instead, a few weeks later, he received a package that had no data sender. When he opened the package a specimen was found in a container filled with alcohol. It was a creature with gills under the head and "meat dishes"."This is the creature who told me to send me and is much stranger than I could have imagined," Ray went on to explain. "It's really the strangest creature I've ever seen in my life. It is a mystery to anyone who sees it. I do not want to call it an alien, but definitely shaped alien. It measures about 30 centimeters long and has things for the ears and below the head. She has strange eyes and his mouth something that looks like a fleshy tusk. "alien creature Arizona home

As if that were not enough, scientists have not been able to identify it. However, one expert suggested that perhaps could have been created from parts of various known creatures. Simmons Cristina, San Diego Zoo, said it could be an aborted fetus or malformation of any known species of animals, but also recognized that seems to be a mixture of different tissues."The eyes and the body does not appear to be of the same origin as facial tissue," Simmons said.Meanwhile, experts from the Department of Fisheries Arizona Game and have pointed out that the creature has characteristics of mammals and could be a squirrel or deformed fetus of a pig or a bear. Larisa Harding, an official of the Department of Fisheries Arizona Game and recommended a DNA test to make a positive identification.And for conspiracy theorists, the creature is the ultimate proof of the existence of extraterrestrial beings on our planet. The popular ufologist Scott C. Waring said the creature could be a mutant caused by radiation. But he also suggested that it could be the baby of a human-alien hybrid."This is a strange creature," blogged Waring UFO Sightings Daily. "If he had found in Chernobyl and its cause would be known, but in Arizona? If this mutation was caused by radiation, then in place of Arizona where they found this creature much danger. It seems a human-alien hybrid and has wings to fly. Whatever this creature, one thing is clear, it is a baby. The real test of genetic manipulation has gone wrong. This has many similarities with the alien in India in 2015. "extraterrestrial Arizona

What nobody can deny it is that this is an amazing creature that leaves no one indifferent. It is a pity that the man who discovered it did not give details on where and how you found it. In the meantime we have to wait for the results of DNA testing, although knowing the scientific community already know that hide the truth.To be alien? ¿Gene mutation? Or a mix of different animal remains?