Photography Reveals The Ghost Of a British Soldier In A Forest In Ireland

World War II was one of the darkest periods of our history, which lasted from 1939 to 1945 and involved almost everyone. Considered the "axis of evil" consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan, while the allies were France, Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and, to a lesser extent, China. Countries were destroyed and the landscape changed forever.
Fotografía revela el fantasma de un soldado británico en un bosque de Irlanda
Fifty million people died in World War II and hundreds of millions suffered serious injuries and wounds. However, many people today do not know when, where or who started it. But the reality is that the war was in many ways a continuation, after an awkward pause of 20 years, from the First World War and becoming the bloodiest conflict in history.

So it is not surprising that today the ghosts of those who lost their lives in this infamous war continue appearing in parts of Europe. As a woman who claims to have photographed the ghost of a soldier of the Second World War just in front of his son and daughter as they took a stroll through a forest of Ireland.

A ghost of a floor of the First or Second World War?

Gerri Moran creepy ghostly figure photographed with his mobile phone while walking in a wooded area near the river Foyle, northwest of Ireland. At that time the 34 year old mother saw nothing out of the ordinary, until he came home and watched a scary face looking at her.
Fantasma soldado británico Irlanda
"After our walk, I checked all the pictures he had taken and saw a kind of shadow or disturbance in front of my son Finn," said Gerri. "When I looked closer I could not believe what I was seeing, like a man, he looked more like a soldier standing by the tree. None of us saw him when we were walking in that area nor beyond the tree, no one else. Children not see anything nor were afraid. I got really scared when I saw him on the phone when I got home. Even children want to go back there again this week for a walk. "

Ken McCormack, a historian of Derry, Northern Ireland, told the Mirror Online that the area where Gerri photographed the ghostly figure was a British military establishment during the First and Second World War as it was near the border. Although he also suggested that it could be the spirit of a famous poet who lived in the area before the First World War.

"For me this figure resembles an official" McCormack said. "It looks like a British soldier. But also not far from where he was photographed this spirit is the Governor's House, where he lived Lord Dunsany. A friend of his, the famous poet Francis Ledwige, visited him often and wrote many poems about the beauty of these forests. It felt like home. He died in the explosion of a mine during combat in Belgium in 1917. He was only 29 years. He was also an officer, and said his heart was in this forest on the outskirts of Derry. "

Besides the controversy over who can be the mysterious ghost, McCormack is convinced that clearly is a soldier by the great military activity on the border since 1920. In the forest there were several battles with many dead, so it is an area with a bloody past.

Ireland ghost forest
As always, the most skeptical offer a very different from what is seen in the images version. They suggest that the ghostly figure is caused by ambient light and vegetation, so a curious looks pareidolia. But for believers in the paranormal, it is a very clear picture and clearly shows the ghost of a soldier looking directly at the camera.

What would you do if you saw one around you ghost in a photograph?